A New Look for Fall Leaves

 Fall is fabulous! After a sizzling summer, the crisper and cooler fall days gently coax us outside.


Here is a creative way to use those stunning fall leaves that cover the ground.

Take a hike and collect some fallen leaves that look especially interesting—get many different colors and shapes and sizes. Larger leaves and darker colors work especially well for this activity. It helps to press the leaves with a book for a day or two to remove some moisture.


Next, use a metallic sharpie maker to outline the veins on the leaves, or simply draw patterns or doodles. The results are amazing and success is guaranteed for any age level! Your creations will look great on windows, in a collage, or even as “jewelry”.

Thanks to “The Artful Parent” website (http://artfulparent.com/2011/11/leaf-doodles-and-mandalas.html) for this great idea, and Janet Broda for the examples!)