
“The Sin of Bustle”

        Here’s an interesting concept– the “sin of bustle”! Although coined by philosopher William James long before smartphones, email and social media, the term certainly fits our culture today. Busyness is clearly the norm, but our frantic love affair with time saving devices has ironically created less […]

The value of spending time together outdoors…

The philosopher William James had a great term for it – “The sin of bustle.” Although written long before smartphones, email and social media, the term certainly fits our culture today. Busyness is clearly the norm, but unfortunately our frantic pre-occupation with time saving devices has ironically created less time […]

Using Books as a Springboard

Winter is a great time to explore books that could be incorporated into outdoor teaching. A few years ago I met Florence Milutinovic of Park Forest Elementary in State College, Pennsylvania who shared with me a wonderful way to incorporate outdoor learning into a unit about prehistoric life. Here is […]