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Home » We Are All Teachers!
Rachel Carson said it beautifully, “A child’s world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement”.
Children do a brilliant job of using all of the five senses to learn about their surroundings. Adults also do a good job of using sensory input to gain knowledge. Children, however, not only take in knowledge, they also permit something else to take over and fill them with curiosity, amazement and even awe. They simply allow wonder to overwhelm them.
Nurturing that wonder and excitement isn’t limited to teachers in traditional classrooms. Parents, grandparents and other loving caregivers can provide experiences that will create those “aha” moments and deepen a sense of wonder.
Although this site was originally intended for teachers, it will now include “backyard learning” as well as “schoolyard learning”. Posts will be added that teachers can share with parents and other caregivers to encourage them to see both the need for more childhood nature experiences, as well as possible activities and projects.
Our children are struggling with far too many stressors, but the good news is that time in nature can help. Just as we emphasize the home-school connection to develop children’s language skills, let’s also partner to encourage nature literacy. The results can be both calming and creative.